My name is Richie Gudzan. I am a Southern creator and conservationist, born and raised in the woods, creeks and coastlines of Georgia, South Carolina, and now Alabama. Water holds a particular magnetism for me, and my experiences fishing, surfing, and paddling shape the soul of my artwork. I use big brushes, striking composition and stark contrast to evoke power, subtlety, and flow in my paintings.
Fish are some of my favorite subjects, and my recent work is rooted in an old Japanese printmaking technique called Gyotaku (ghee-oh-TAH-koo). I use the actual fish I catch to make art, covering them with non-toxic pigment and gently laying handmade natural-fiber paper on top to reveal a mirror image imprint. Once the prints are dry, I compose and mount the fragile paper to a wood panel, and finish the painting in thin glazes of vibrant color. My fish are cleaned and eaten after the initial prints are created - never wasted. Water is life to me, and my art is about story, connection, respect and gratitude.
I am not however, much of a blogger. I’ll post here when the feeling hits, but the best way to see what’s new with my art or with my art-driven clothing brands is always gonna be to track me down at one of my art shows / exhibits, or surf industry trade shows. Still, check back here often, and feel free to shoot me a note anytime at richie@gudzan.com.
Jamie Dark gave me your card as she thought you might be interested in a booth in my shop at Carlisle’s in Alex City. I love your art and the way you create it. We have spaces available and I am also offering artists the option to sell on commission.
Would this be of any interest to you?
If you have other ideas I would be very open to discussing those with you.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Ellen Gregg
The Picket Fence
I admire your work online – love the big sailfish, but I am looking for a smaller fish. 25×25 – 2 actually to hang stacked on a wall between 2 windows in Perdido Key. Can you tell me if you work in this way and if so the range of cost. Thank you.
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